Our Vision:
The veterinary community working together as a herd to protect each other from suicide.
Our Mission:
Raising awareness that suicide is preventable, and we all have a role in keeping each other safe from suicide.
Nurturing connectedness throughout the veterinary community and championing multisectoral collaboration.
Education & Skills Training
Educating and collaborating with veterinary stakeholders, government, the mental health and suicide prevention sectors, and others to create pathways for improving work practices and policies. Delivering evidence-based intervention training, empowering the veterinary community with the skills to support each other to stay safe from suicide.
Evidence & Research
Sharing resources and contributing to research. Tailoring existing evidence-based suicide prevention training to best meet the needs of the veterinary community.
What is “Lived Experience” with suicide?
“Having experienced suicidal thoughts, survived a suicide attempt, supported a loved one through suicidal crisis, or been bereaved by suicide.”
~Roses in the Ocean